Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Good Morning January 1st - Scottsboro, AL

There's something about January 1st of every year that makes me excited.  It's not that it was my mother's birthday or that it's a day off work, but the perception of a fresh start, of new opportunities, of good things to come in the next 364 days that follow.  But why doesn't every day feel like January 1st?  Why can't we wake up every morning with the same anticipation and motivation that we do on the first day of a new year?

The weather on January 1st doesn't seem to change our point of view.  Even though the day arrives in Winter and it may bring bitter cold, snow, rain or wind that could otherwise make many want to stay in bed with the covers pulled tight, even a dreary January 1st brings butterflies to our stomachs and an eagerness to get out and do something interesting and to make the most of the day. And even if we don't act on that motivation, but instead stay inside watching old movies or doing nothing productive, it's still okay because this is the start of a brand new year and tomorrow is a new day.  Or, we can veg until Monday when it's the start of a brand new week in a brand new year -- that's when it all matters most anyway, right?  Perception is a funny thing.

I don't usually make New Year's resolutions, but this year I have.  I resolve to perceive every day as a fresh start and a new opportunity and to keep my January 1st butterflies alive and kicking every day.

Happy January 1st everyone!  Make a point. Make a difference. Make it good!